Can You Put a Metal Roof Over Shingles

Your Guide to Installing Metal Roofing Over Shingles

Read Time: 4 Minutes | Jun 30, 2020

Your Guide to Installing Metal Roofing Over Shingles

If you're a homeowner that has shingles, yous may have considered dumping them in favor of the benefits a metallic covering can provide. What many homeowners don't know is that installing metal covering over shingles is a viable option for your next roofing projection.

Metal roofing installed directly over your existing shingles is an eco-friendly option that tin can provide your home with an actress layer of protection and a ameliorate structure to the roof. Plus, it cuts down on the costs normally associated with metal roofing and a new roofing installation considering there is no teardown of the previous roof required. Information technology'south a win-win.

How Does Installing Metal Covering Over Shingles Work?

Before even starting the process of installing metallic covering over shingles, you need to contact local building officials to ensure information technology can be done. The majority of areas allow for a re-roof over one layer of shingles, while some do let for a re-roof over 2 layers of shingles.

You'll want to go this sorted out immediately before you lot invest in researching a new roofer or worse nonetheless, investing money into a roof y'all tin can't take installed on your habitation.
Metal roof on home in Florida

Running New Underlayment Over the Existing Shingle Roof

If you are dealing with a decent number of cracked or damaged shingles, you volition need an underlayment installed over the shingles. This can exist identified and implemented via your roofing contractor during the covering installation process.

An underlayment is meant to go over existing shingles to give added protection. This added protection then gives an extra layer of waterproofing to avoid leaks that may get-go due to old shingles with cracks and slight damage.

Annotation: A new underlayment volition not exist a quick prepare for major impairment to a shingle roof. In cases where your existing roof is badly damaged, installing a metal covering over the existing shingles may not exist an option for your abode.

Do You Need Underlayment for Metal Roofing Over Shingles?

Underlayment is not required when installing metal roofing over shingles simply is a definite plus. This extra layer ensures the previous shingles are not under continued stress which could lead to an increased risk of roof damage. While a metal roof is extremely durable compared to shingles, it is better to be rubber than sorry.

Steps to Have Before Installing Metallic Roofing Over Shingles

Loose shingles on roof being repaired
If you are trying to cut down on costs when information technology comes to pre-installation of your metallic roofing over shingles, you should take these steps.

  • Remove obstructions like air vents or pipe flashings
  • Repair broken shingles that are torn or cracked
  • Sweep the roof and remove any debris that could pose a nuisance
  • Take note of any leaks or cracks in the roof that could lead to farther damage if not addressed before installation

Installing whatever roof isn't a chore for homeowners. While basic roof maintenance and training can sometimes exist fixed by a homeowner with some knowledge of roof care, information technology is always better to turn to professionals. Whatever time yous are on the roof doing an amateur job, you are putting yourself at risk and risking harm to your dwelling due to a lack of experience.

Do non put yourself at an unnecessary adventure. Get out it to the professionals for surefire results that volition brand anybody happy and ensure your dwelling house has a properly and professionally installed metal roof.

Is Information technology Amend to Remove Shingles Before Installing a New Metal Roof?

No, it is not better to remove shingles earlier installing a new metallic roof. The removal process of shingles tin be messy and enhance the cost of the job. Merely, besides cost concerns, by leaving the pre-existing shingles, you are also giving an actress layer of protection to the roof.

Advantages of Metal Roofs Installed Over Shingles

green roof on home
Metal roofs have a number of benefits on their own, including their lifespan, adjourn appeal, eco-friendliness, and durability. Installing metal roofing over shingles affords you these benefits in addition to a few others. These include:

Some advantages include:

  • Lowered labor costs
  • Added layer of protection
  • Decrease in vesture and tear on shingles increasing the lifespan
  • Gives more structure to the roof

Metal Roof Over Shingles Problems: What You Need to Know

There are some issues to be enlightened of when installing metal roofing over shingles. If for any reason the metal roofing is damaged and and so the shingles underneath are also damaged, yous are looking at doubling up on repair costs. You also will have another layer to rip off when information technology comes to looking for leaks or checking the wood beneath the roof.

Installing Metallic Roofing Over Wet Shingles

If your area is prone to random thunderstorms or snowfall, you should consider ensuring in that location is a layer of underlayment. This underlayment volition create a waterproofing layer that volition proceed installing metal covering over wet shingles from becoming an issue. It creates another layer of protection against the elements besides.

Installing Metal Roofing Over Shingles Is the Best Option

Installing metallic roofing over shingles is by far the all-time option when it comes to metal roofing. The extra layer of protection and back up that is provided by the shingles creates a win-win state of affairs. The only fourth dimension this setup would not be recommended is in the example that the local codes or your HOA don't allow the installation of a metallic roof over pre-existing shingle roofing.

Get your metal roofing quote.


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