Always seen those really cool images on discord servers? Almost of the time they're static images, merely on rare occasion, they can be animated too.

Example of a Discord Server Banner

These graphics are Discord server banners that anyone can put up on their own servers — provided they meet the requirements to be able to.

If yous want to know more about Discord server banners and how you tin put one on yours, this guide can assist you lot with everything you need to know.

What Are The Requirements?

It's not also hard to get yourself a Discord server banner — only, information technology might cost you (or some of your friends) a little bit of coin.

If you've never heard of server boosts before, they're essentially monthly "subscriptions". Boosts requite a server access to extra features and content, like extra emote slots or — y'all guessed information technology — Discord Server Banners.

There are 3 boost levels you tin reach to unlock sure perks, equally you tin see below.

3 Server Heave Levels on Discord

Static server banners unlock at boost level 2, while animated server banners unlock at level 3. That doesn't hateful much right now, but allow us to suspension information technology down.

Level 1 requires two Nitro boosts. To reach Level 2, you demand seven boosts. And finally, Level 3 will cost 14 server boosts in all.

Now, here comes the fiscal cost.

One boost will cost y'all $four.99, unless y'all're subscribed to Discord Nitro. Nitro subscribers get 30% off, bringing the cost down to $3.49. Additionally, Discord Nitro subscribers go ii complimentary boosts to use every calendar month. You tin employ these two boosts to get your server to level 1, which means you but need 5 more boosts to get your server banner unlocked.

Can I Unlock Discord Server Banners for Gratuitous?

The answer to this question is yes, you can. Unfortunately, it's non very easy to achieve. Discord waives the heave requirements for unlocking the 3 levels of benefits in very specific situation: your server either has to exist verified OR y'all have to be a Discord Partner. Achieving either one of those is difficult to say the least, and you're often better off unlocking the boosts instead.

How to Add a Banner to Your Discord Server

To add a banner to your Discord server, follow these steps below:

  1. Navigate to your server settings by clicking on the downward arrow next to your server's proper name. Click on "Server Settings."
  1. When the server settings open upwards, make sure yous are on the Overview tab. Then, scroll downwardly until you see the image below.

If you have already unlocked the banner with boosts, the "Unlock with Boosting" banner will turn into an "Upload Background" button like the one on the left. Click this button to upload your banner, and yous're good to go!

You can also remove your banner background in the same section.

What Are the Best Dimensions for the Discord Server Banner?

According to Discord, yous will want your paradigm to be in a xvi:nine aspect ratio. The recommended dimensions are at least 960×540 pixels. Nevertheless, if y'all accept bigger images, you can use them and Discord volition automatically resize them — just make sure they're in 16:ix!

Tips for Creating a Good Discord Server Imprint

At that place are a few tips from Discord themselves to aid you create the best server banner possible — take a look at them below:

  • Proceed the top 28% of your graphic pretty uncomplicated. Avoid text, decorated patterns, or light/white backgrounds, since this is where your server name appears (in white text). Keeping the elevation area of your banner simple makes it easier to read your server's name.
  • Avert logos or text in your images and GIFs if possible. You're allowed to use logos and text, but know that they may look conflicting within your small space. If you do use logos or text, brand them large and easily legible even when the banner is shrunk downwardly.
  • Apply imagery that showcase your interests, personality, and/or content. Again this isn't necessary, but doing and then is a great manner of giving new arrivals an thought of who you are and what you lot exercise correct away. For case, a game'southward Discord server may want to utilise characters or images from their game in their imprint groundwork.

And, of course, call up to go on everything aligned with Discord'south terms of service — the concluding affair you desire is for your server to go banned!

Wrapping Upwards

A Discord server isn't necessary past any means. Nevertheless, having ane is a fantastic way to brand your server stand out more memorably. Luckily, it's relatively easy to put one upward — equally long equally you tin go your server to boost level two.

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