Learn How to Work With Resin for Pop Art

Larn how to utilize resin in crafts! Epoxy resin makes the coolest projects; become tips and tricks too as frequently asked questions. This is your complete guide.


I don't know if you've heard all about epoxy resin, just it'south all the rage these days! I'thou really excited to share my noesis of this product with you, because yous tin make some of the coolest crafts always with resin. Crafts like these:

Resin Craft Projects

You can utilise this clear, dries-hard product to make habitation decor, gifts, jewelry, and more than. If you visit our resin crafts, you'll see exactly the type of projects you can brand.

I don't know most you, simply when I'g starting a new craft I similar to know what I can brand. I need something to aspire to!

Once you determine that yous're in love and you lot want to endeavour this arts and crafts, it's time to learn how to do it. Before nosotros showtime, I want you to accept a peek at this video to get an idea of how to employ resin. After that, we'll swoop into the details.

How to Use Epoxy Resin

This is the part I'm nearly excited about sharing – the FAQ! This is the "meat" of this post: everything about resin and what yous need to know nearly being successful.

If you lot have a question, be certain to leave it in the comments. I'd also similar to know well-nigh your experience with this arts and crafts. Let's dive in!

What is epoxy resin?

You're probably wondering "what the heck is this stuff?" Well, epoxy resin is actually an agglutinative in liquid course. Technically you could apply it to glue things, but you are going to enjoy it in its cured form, which is hard and clear.

The proper term for what nosotros're actually going to exist using is "casting resin," which is used to create dimensional objects such as paperweights, jewelry, fine art, keychains, and more. You can see the differences between epoxy resin and casting resin here.

Stirring resin in a silicone mold

Is it piece of cake to work with resin?

That's actually what I love about it. Information technology's VERY easy to work with! In essence you are mixing and pouring. You might add a few things. Remember most the process every bit making a very unproblematic recipe using an equal amount of two ingredients.

The biggest "concern" is that resin experiences a chemical reaction, very different from a decoupage medium. It is non-toxic when cured, but you lot need to have the proper prophylactic precautions just as if you were dying clothing. Better condom than sorry.

PS: it might audio scary, but it's not. I experience very condom when using resin!

Supplies Yous'll Need

Here'south what you'll typically desire to take on hand when making resin art:

  • Measuring cups and mixing cups
  • Craft sticks or small dowel rods
  • Butane torch, heat gun, hair dryer, or 91% rubbing alcohol
  • Silicone mat, wax paper, or plastic sheeting to encompass your work space
  • Silicone molds
  • Embellishments (optional): stale flowers, alcohol ink, glitter, and lots of other goodies
  • Personal protective equipment – respirator, goggles or glasses, gloves, and clothing to cover your arms. Whether or not you lot wearable this stuff is upwardly to yous, but it'southward suggested, peculiarly if you lot have a sensitive respiratory arrangement.
Mod Podge geode resin coasters

What is the best resin for beginners?

Plaid Crafts has released Mod Podge Resin, and I detect information technology really easy to use. It has a superior lightfastness quality and dries to a hard, clear gloss cease that the leading products practice not have. Modern Podge Resin is also FDA certified food safe, has depression VOCs, and is made in the USA.

The arts and crafts stores have quite a few brands, so exist sure to read the packaging to find out what is all-time for your needs. I've made a lot of things with the Mod Podge brand and always had success, so I can definitely recommend information technology.

How do you utilise resin pace by step?

  1. Get your supplies fix and put on your personal protective equipment if you're using it.
  2. Mix a one:1 ratio of Resin (ane) and Hardener (ii). Be mindful of the amount of resin you need to mix to fill your mold or to cover your projection.
  3. Mix slowly for 3 minutes. Be certain to scrape the sides of your cup for equal mixing.
  4. Let your mixture balance for 2 minutes.
  5. Remove any air bubbles with a torch. Go on the torch moving.
  6. Personalize your project by adding booze ink, paint, glitter, flowers, and more.
  7. Pour the resin into the silicone mold and permit remainder. Remove any air bubbles again with your torch. Repeat again if yous see any additional bubbles.
  8. Let your projection cure for 24 hours earlier removing from the mold.

Do you really need a torch? If you're going to do several projects, I'd say yep. You can also exhale on the projection (!) or utilise a lighter to remove bubbles. But honestly, the torch is easiest.

Where do I get the molds?

The silicone molds are the coolest! They decide the shape of your finished project. In fact, you demand a mold for a projection! Yous tin can purchase molds at arts and crafts stores like Michaels, Jo-Ann, Hobby Lobby, and then also on Amazon.

I'll be honest, I had no thought there were so many options out there until I saw some crazy stuff on a craft store run. Y'all can brand dominoes or a license plate frame for example . . . then cool!

Mod Podge resin necklace pendants

How long afterwards mixing resin volition it then brainstorm to harden?

It typically has a working time of 20 – 30 minutes. During this fourth dimension, you can mix in additives such as booze inks or glitters. Even so, be sure to read the instructions for whatever brand and blazon of resin you buy. If the instructions don't say, presume the depression end of 20 minutes working time.

How long does it take to cure?

Nigh vii days to fully cure, merely you tin popular your resin pieces out of the mold later 24 hours. They will experience hard. And then the remainder of the time your project volition just continue to strengthen.

Can I apply resin in layers?

Yep. The 2d layer tin exist practical once the first layer has set up. This could be i to two hours, depending upon the humidity level and temperature in the room.

How do I remove the bubbling?

You can stir slowly or heat up the resin before stirring to assist with bubbles – but I detect that no matter what, I go bubbles. You should wait them, and don't worry, because y'all can go rid of them.

A lot of people use a blow torch, food torch, lighter, or heat gun. That is the preferred method. You hold it over the surface of the project, right above it, and watch the bubbling come to the surface and popular.

If yous don't have admission to a torch, you can exhale on your resin project. Yeah – it works! I've washed it. Don't accident, just get close and gently breathe. The heat pops the bubbling.

Requite yourself 2 rounds of chimera popping to make sure they are gone. Heat the surface and pop the bubbling, wait five minutes and and then exercise it again.

Is cured resin waterproof, nutrient prophylactic, and heat resistant?

Yep it's waterproof. Resin is typically FDA certified food safe when properly mixed following the instructions provided with the product (be sure to double check the instructions or website for whatever make yous buy to ostend).

Resin is typically oestrus resistant up to 110° F. If exposed to college temperatures, a project may yellowish. Notation: resin is Not recommended for decorative hot plates. There are high heat resins, which is what I would look for specifically if you demand that "feature."

Should I expect shrinkage?

Is it wrong that I laughed at this question? No, you shouldn't wait much shrinkage. Perhaps a little bit, but not much at all. Unless it goes into cold water (sorry I had to!).

Resin cutting boards

What tin can I add to resin?

Really annihilation! My favorite mix ins (to apply a frozen yogurt term) are glitter, alcohol inks, paint, dried flowers, charms, clay beads, gold leafage and flecks . . . and more than. People encase some strange things in resin. No judgements here!

Boosted Tips

These are my tips for using this production that I would like to leave yous with. Please ever recall these:

  • Work on a level surface area at a warm temp of 70 degrees or college.
  • Open up time for working with resin is 20 – 30 minutes.
  • You tin can demold your project in 24 hours.
  • The full cure fourth dimension for your project is 3 – 7 days.
  • The shelf life of the product if unopened is 1 year. If it has been opened it is half-dozen months.
  • Brand sure to store your bottles in a warm environment, somewhere between 60 – 70 degrees. Also, exist sure to shop in original packaging.

Are yous gear up for some other video? I'm going to leave you with a project. I think resin coasters are pretty fun, then cheque out this projection. If you want to learn how to utilize resin I think this is a great idea to outset with. Bask:

At present that you know how to utilise resin, are you gear up to get started? I'd love to hear your thoughts and feel in the comments! Talk to me!


Source: https://modpodgerocksblog.com/how-to-use-resin/

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